That’s One Crazy Clock!

 Every year, like clockwork, the Clio Awards take place. The Clios used to be the most famous ad awards in the United States, and then a crazy thing happened in the early 90s where the guy who ran the awards had a melt down and people ran up on stage and just grabbed awards willy nilly and it more or less represented the end of the awards show world as we know it and no one felt fine about it.


But the Clios came back, and now have regained their rightful place in the self-congratulatory ad world.


Anyway, there were not many packaged goods companies that walked away with prizes in the interactive category this year, so I will show you the Grand Clio winner, in case you have not seen it yet.


Created for clothing retailer, Uniqulo, the widget/clock/site experience is pretty difficult to describe. It combines, time, dance, music and other stuff in a nonstop celebration of Uniqulo’s clothing. Here is how Barbara Lippert from Adweek talked about it. In any case, it is fantastic. Enjoy.

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