The Economy Stinks, So Hannah Gets Drunk and Has a Blind Date


The crack research department at Attention Shoppers! has been spending the last two weeks analyzing what’s going on with the economy and how it might affect marketing spending in the online space.  The early returns are not encouraging.


First of all, one would think that these tough times would see a flight to the most efficient, most measurable marketing possible (and it is quite easy to make a very strong case for the online channel).  However, it is our feeling that in scary times, clients tend to scurry for the comfort of the familiar. And as we have noted many times in this blog, the online space is still way too UNFAMILIAR to many clients.


According to this article, online spending will be looking at lean times, at least in the short term.


It’s enough to drive an online marketer to drink. Which is precisely what Dove does in this new execution brought to you by Ogilvy Toronto and the Barbarian Group from Boston. Dove continues to push the envelope in the space, and this latest execution is no exception, with drunkenness and breast-feeding and blind dates and lots of video. All in all, it is very well-produced, as we have come to expect from Dove and Ogilvy. They spent big money on this. Don’t they know we’re in a recession?

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